Assembly Bill  341 (AB 341) was adopted July 1, 2012. The legislation is designed to help meet California’s recycling goal of 75% by 2020. This law requires California commercial enterprises, public entities that generate four or more cubic yards per week of waste, and multi-family dwellings with five or more units can take one, or any combination of the following actions in order to divert recyclable waste from the landfill:

Accepted Items:

Limited quantities of used motor oil and cooking oil, e-waste, paint, batteries (household & auto), anti-freeze, and fluorescent bulbs (residential customers only). For other types of household hazardous waste, please contact the Napa-Vallejo Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility.

Benefits of AB 341

AB 341 will reduce the amount of material going into local landfills while contributing to Solano County’s economy. The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery estimates that local jurisdictions, schools, and businesses will save $40 million to $60 million per year from 2012-2020, due to lower recycling costs versus disposal costs. A higher volume of recyclables will also create manufacturing and recycling jobs and help contribute to California’s competitiveness.

Compliance with AB 341 is Easy! To learn more about AB 341 please visit CalRecycle’s webpage click here.

Recology Vallejo, the City’s franchise waste hauler, is working with Vallejo businesses and multi-family dwellings to meet the AB 341 requirements.  Residents should contact Recology Vallejo at (707) 552-3110 for more information and to request a free waste and recycling audit.